46/100 Amy Poehler

Today I painted Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation. I am still in Chicago, and this is another one that I know will delight my girls when they see it.

We are HUGE Parks and Recreation fans in our home. It’s such a sweet show. I love how even the grumpiest characters are kind and loving at their core. Don’t get me wrong, I love a snarky bitter show as much as the next girl. But this show is refreshing in it’s snarky sweetness. I never felt like I had to add my parental commentary discussing the social issues about the show, or how my girls shouldn’t emulate any of the characters.

I am just pretty much completely in love with Amy Poehler. Are you familiar with her project Smart Girls At The Party? This is an amazing project for young women started by Amy and her friend Meredith Walker. They explain it better than I ever could so here is their blurb:

Founded by artist Amy Poehler and producer Meredith Walker, Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls organization is dedicated to helping young people cultivate their authentic selves. We emphasize intelligence and imagination over “fitting in.” We celebrate curiosity over gossip. We are a place where people can truly be their weird and wonderful selves. We are funny first, and informative second, hosting the party you want to attend.

How cool is that? You should really check it out. That website has so many amazing stories and great information.

I could go on for days about how much I love Amy Poehler and all her various projects. Instead I will leave you with these quotes that some dear souls on the internet made for us all to enjoy.






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