19/100 Mexican Embroidery

I know I just did embroidery, believe me. But the way I am going about picking what to paint each day is by meditating and seeing what comes into my mind. Today Mexican embroidery did, so here we are.

I have always loved the brightly colored embroidered shirts and dresses from Mexico. The brilliant motifs and rainbow colored flowers and leaves are right in line with my fashion aesthetic. Though I have loved the look of them, I have only owned one or two of these shirts in my lifetime. Back when I could dress my girls as I wanted, before their own fashion tastes trumped mine, I always had at least one embroidered dress in their wardrobes.


My aunt got married this summer and her theme was a Calavera/Dia de Los Muertes one. My mom and I spent a lot of time going to a lot of shops to find them the perfect outfits for the party. I am happy to say, my girls now have a few embroidered shirts back in their coffers.

I had so much fun painting this. I love adding little details, and this piece is just full of them.

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