43/100 Chilindrina

I was not acquainted with the character La Chilindrina until about 2006. She’s been around since the 1970’s though. I first became aware of her when my oldest daughter and I were in a thrift shop. Sadie was just over a year old, and I had her in the cart as I perused the toy section of the store. She started saying, “Mama! Mama! It’s You!” and pointing at something. I looked, and there on the shelf was a doll that did in fact look exactly like me. (excuse the blurry picture, I took it with my 2006 Motorola flip phone!)

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For .69 cents I bought myself at the thrift store!

She didn’t have any tags, or information on her. I just couldn’t believe it, because I wore my hair just like this, I have freckles, and I wore big black glasses like this at the time. I posted her on my Flickr account, and via the magic of the internet, someone commented and told me this doll was of a character from a popular Mexican television show called El Chavo Del Ocho.

According to wikipedia the character of La Chilindrina

is the daughter of Don Ramón. “Precocious” is the best way to describe Don Ramón’s intelligent and mischievous daughter, who likes to take advantage of her slow-witted friends to play pranks on them and take their toys or snacks. She usually wears a short green-patterned dress and a red sweater that is always twisted on the back. She has freckles, horn-rimmed eyeglasses, a missing front tooth, and two pigtails that are always uneven, one significantly higher than the other one, just like her socks. “Chilindrina” is the name of a typical Mexican bun, with chocolate sparkles on top, reminiscent of the character’s freckles.

We even have a similar way of moving and dancing! Watch the first 1:25 of this video:

If you have ever seen me dance, I think the similarities are FRIGHTENING!

I also love her style. I would wear that dress with that sweater in a heartbeat.

The best part? I posted a picture of La Chilindrina as my facebook profile picture, and NO ONE even noticed. They all thought it was me. Until someone commented that they loved the character. Almost all of my friends and family just thought it was me.

Here is another video where she steals a bunch of my signature moves:

We truly are soul sisters.

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